Miss American Teen International Princess
Samantha Giraldo
Samantha Giraldo

Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Age: 9
For pageant appearances:
Juany.Merced @MissAmericanTeenInternational.com
Infinity Models Miami @infinity.models.miami
Hi everyone, I'm your new Miss American Teen International Princess, Samantha Giraldo. I'm so excited to start this new adventure. I love modeling, acting, and photoshoots, however I never forget that the most important thing is to learn every day more and more and enjoy... Thank you @missamericanteenpageant for choosing me.

Follow on Instagram:  @missamericanteen.princess

Official Instagram for Miss American Teen International Princess, Samantha Giraldo. Follow my pageant at @missamericanteeninternational Join for free ⬇️


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